Quitin's Homepage

Welcome to Quitin's Home page! This is a news ticker, and it will show many random things. Also the news messages will change every 15 seconds. Anyways I hope that my news messages will entertain you.

Quitin's Home Page

Welcome to my homepage! I'm Deca Quitin, or you can just call me Quitin.
I'm a 18 year old guy who likes mathematics, music and random stuff. By the way I'm from Lithuania.
I play Everybody Edits, make games, videos and whatever stuff.

Since Everybody Edits doesn't exist since Jan 2021, I now play Every Build Exists,
a remake of Everybody Edits which is very similar to 2016 EE and is still multiplayer.

I have made two sound variation series, one of them being "Everybody Edits Coin Variations", available on YouTube.
I have made 1,700 sound variations of the Everybody Edits Coin sound, and 1,000 sound variations
of the Roblox old death sound ("Oof").

This page was last updated March 5, 2024.


The time is currently for Deca Quitin.


Deca Quitin

Amount of Subscribers on YouTube:
% to 10,000 Subscribers


% to 100,000 Subscribers




click button for boston :3


A small incremental game you can play in this page. (also i have a separate page for that)

The current number is: 0

Power: +1

Upgrade Cost: 10

People that I'd like to support




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